Sunday, June 6, 2010

Abundant Lillies

"By using conscious breathing in all your pursuits, you will improve nearly every aspect of your life. "
Perfect Breathing by Don Cambell and Al Lee
Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Abundant Lilies
What once was one
Is now many.

Breath Meditation
Muscles ready to achieve
My breath listens
Awake to a new season.
Planning dissolves
Into connection with
A gentle breeze
And a deep and resonant tone.
Inhaling and Exhaling,
My heart can open
To true purpose.


Walter R Roth said...

I love the idea of muscles being ready, I take this as becoming aware of one's body, repairing or tuning into one's connection with it ... then having your breath listen as a result ... having that connection become central to your existence without effort, as your body naturally breaths in and out without effort ...

I've experienced the dissolving of planning as you describe naturally follow. Kind of like the Crt + Alt + #Breath I wrote about last week on

I take becoming connected with the gental breeze and a deep and resonant tone as the natural progression of connecting with one self, ie, starting to connect effortlessly with one's external surroundings and eventually to others (which I find is hard to do in reverse).

AND THEN the opening of heart to true purpose. I've been finding that connecting with myself through body awareness and breath, and then to my surroundings and others, is the shortest distance to opening my heart to my purpose.

I'm new to all this stuff, its funny, it sounds so simple but I've spent a life time to begin experiencing it! Thank you for sharing.

Alexis said...

Thanks for the great work you are doing and thanks for quoting from our book! Al Lee & Don Campbell