Saturday, January 2, 2010

Quan Yin

Breathing is an analog process, dynamic, flexible, responsive and wavelike in nature. Optimal breathing follows the ebb and flow of fluid dynamics and affects every physiological process in the body.

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
A statue of a woman
Looking inward
As soft mist covers
the surrounding landscape.

Happily content.
One cannot look 
For the sun 
But instead,
Go within.

Breath Meditation
Finding an inner place 
Of power,
I no longer
Desperately reach,
Body tense and breath waiting.
A new year brings
New epiphanies,
Breath expanding in all directions
From the still point 

In the center.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Chinese character for breath means "of the conscious self, or heart".

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Wet Stones
Soft, shiny, coloful
Mineral nourished by rain,
becomes brighter,
soaking in
just the right amount.

Breath Meditation
My body soaks in the humid air.
My back soaks in the oil from a candle.
My heart soaks in a Love,
So soft and caring.
All caressed by breath upon breath.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Breath is a universal force that unites all living organisms. Everything that is alive, is said, to breathe.

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Three Trees
Gray and barren,
A clean slate
For a new year
A new season.
Three trees have
Stood the test of time,
Elegantly planted in the earth,
With the fine lines of experience
Etched into their bark.
Three trees with space
Around them,
Silently ready
For new growth.

Breath Meditation
Wired and tired,
My body welcomes breath.
I breathe in company,
And those, who are
The pillars in my life,
Stand all around me.
We all breathe
As one.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

In Greek, the word pneuma means breath, soul, air and spirit.  In Japenese, the word ki means both air and spirit.

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
The earth is muted and quiet.
Up above, clouds, like soft
Cotton float by,
Gently caressing
The blue sky.

Breath Meditation
Pelvis and spine rock gently
With each breath,
Like a blade of grass 
Moved by a soft wind.

Inhalation takes me gently
Exhalation softly undulates
The pause takes me deep into
The earth.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Morning Magic

The word "spirit" comes from the latin "spiritus" meaning breath.  In sanskrit, the word for breath is prana which also is used to describe universal life energy.

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Morning Magic

The golden rays of light
Across a bench
And orange lit strokes
Painted across the stones.
A fleeting display
Of the sun's morning magic
The sun paints it's golden light
In this hour
And is slowly moving on
To those nearby.

Breath Meditation
Tension. Things to do. 
Armoured to accomplish.
Permeated by a single
Fresh breath of life.
In this moment,
Arms and chest soften,
My heart opens.
I settle back 
Into all the time in the world,
Letting go, being filled,
Trusting the source.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Optimal breathing can bring confidence and  strength without effort. Rather than pushing, one is moved.

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Hanging Basket
A hanging basket of flowers
Red, purple,
Reach out into 
A gray winter's day.
Everything else,
Cold and quiet,
Has retreated inside.
The red flower is
And has Hope,
That soon the warm sun 
Will come.

Breath Meditation
Strong, full and centered,
My breath is like a large ocean wave,
Supported from all sides.
Confidence without tension,
Strength without effort.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

After the Rain

Oxygen nourishes and cleanses our cells though breathing. In the alvioli sacs in the lungs, oxygen is picked up by the blood, and transported to every cell.

Three Breaths

Something Beautiful
After the Rain
Droplets hang
Like little jewels
From flowers, leaves, and branches.
A world within,
Full and Bountiful,
Reflects its essence
To all.

Breath Meditation
Waking up worried,
My breath, thin.
And then, each cell
Becoming full,
Connecting me to
Every cell,
Alive and radiant,
Is the solution.