Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Morning Magic

The word "spirit" comes from the latin "spiritus" meaning breath.  In sanskrit, the word for breath is prana which also is used to describe universal life energy.

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Morning Magic

The golden rays of light
Across a bench
And orange lit strokes
Painted across the stones.
A fleeting display
Of the sun's morning magic
The sun paints it's golden light
In this hour
And is slowly moving on
To those nearby.

Breath Meditation
Tension. Things to do. 
Armoured to accomplish.
Permeated by a single
Fresh breath of life.
In this moment,
Arms and chest soften,
My heart opens.
I settle back 
Into all the time in the world,
Letting go, being filled,
Trusting the source.

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