Saturday, May 15, 2010

3 Roses

"The yogic practice of regulating and channeling one's breath, can provide a bridge between the individual self and the universal soul." Leslie Peters Yoga Journal article -

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Three Roses
Like three 
Blooming together
An annual

Breath Meditation
A large thrashing inner wave
Followed by smaller
more gentle waves.
Email fades into the distance
As I float
Carried by a benevolent
Of one breath 
Following another.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mindfulness and Education

Many teachers report that students who practice mindfulness are calmer and accomplish more. Mindfulness starts by becoming aware of the breath.

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Light permeates
An orchid
Delicate veins
Taking in the

Breath Meditation
Body walls
Moved by 
Like sails in the
Letting go of 
What needs to be
Trusting what is happening

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Every breath is a unique expression of life. Art, dance, music and poetry come into form as personal creativity and spirit emerge.

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Morning light
On red maple leaves.

Breath Meditation
Calm Breath
Knows where to let go.
Connection with something
That feels pure,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Research shows that the simple process of focusing on the breath in a relaxed manner, in a way that teaches you to regulate your emotions by raising one's awareness of mental processes as they're happening... can lead to better more efficient performance on an intended task. Science Daily

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Breathing Together

Breathing together and connecting with others enriches our lives. Researchers find that when we feel close and connected with others, we can experience greater energy, vitality, clarity and a greater sense of value and dignity. See article

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Blue Sky
The sound of birds
Singing early morning
To each other
The trees, the flowers
And to me.

Breath Meditation
Cool air
Breathes in
My body
Breathing with 
A birds song
A sunny day
Those who are sleeping

And those who are awake.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mindfulness training, emphasizing focused attention on the breath and mindful movement, is shown to help the military manage stress reactions and increase resilience. See article:

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Many plants
Abundant and resilient
Constantly growing
Downward, upward
And outward
During the darkness
And the light.

Breath Meditation
Anger, tense muscles
Breathing suspends
And has a broader vision.
My body relaxes
And fully breathes now
I find a new kind of power
Heart open and connected
And strong.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother and Child

A new program is applying mindfulness meditation to childbirth and parenting. See article:

Three Deep Breaths 

Something Beautiful
Michelle and Ilyssa
Heart to heart
Comforting and 

Breath Meditation
I am the mother
And I am the child,
Breathing and 
I am nature's breath 
Free and spontaneous. 
I am listening, comforting,
Giving permission 
To be.