Friday, November 19, 2010

Leaves carried by Mother Earth

To be sensitive is to be alive. Vanda Scaravelli

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Autumn leaves
Poised like scuplture
Each in their own gesture
Carried by 
Mother Earth.

Breath Meditation
Breath grows 
From its seed,
The center of existence
Of humanity
Of me.
A new power
Peaceful and effortless.
My body surrenders
To the constant rhythm
Of filling and emptying,
Life's energetic 
Essence expands in the moments of 
Resting silence.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Fiery Orange Leaves

Since the heart and breath are mutually dependent, the circulation of light must be united with rhythm of breathing. The Secret of the Golden Flower

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Golden sun turns
Dark red and yellow leaves
Into fiery orange brilliance
Against the blue
Serene morning sky.

Breath Meditation
Mind and breath join
Resting inward.
The looming tasks 
Of the day
Like pieces of paper
Falling away.
Breath by breath
Each cell begins to
In quiet and joyful