Sunday, January 3, 2010


 "Water does not have the characteristics of the living, but without water there is not life...Water does not have the expressions of life (growth, fertilization, reproduction, metabolism, etc.), but these only become possible through water. What is it that enables water to accomplish this? By renouncing every self-quality, it becomes the creative substance for the generation of all forms. By renouncing every life of its own, it becomes the primal substance for all life. By renouncing every fixed substance, it becomes the carrier of all substance transformation. By renouncing every rhythm of its own, it becomes the carrier of each and every rhythm." Theodore Schwenk

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Morning Dew
Tiny droplets greet the sun.
Pools of water 
Held together
Reflect the Sun,
Our thoughts,
The world.

Breath Meditation
Inahle, Exhale, Pause.
Thinking, wondering, planning.
Releasing tension 
Into the moment
Of balance and fullness
Allowing the breathwave
To become
All that is.

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