Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Eye of the Storm

There is a division of Feng-Shui which addresses the breath of nature. Nature is looked upon as a living breathing organism. Breath enters into every stem and fiber.

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
The eye of the storm
An interlude of 
Before the torrents 
Of rain and wind
Pools of water
Gather and reflect
An open sky.
And then,
A single drop of water
From the heavens
Gently begins a
New rain.

Breath Meditation
My breath is a river 
That collects impressions
Momentary memory
I am the trees
The sky
The water.

1 comment:

Julaina Kleist-Corwin said...

Something beautiful:

The tall oleanders waving and swaying in the row along the fence in the Yee yard.
