Monday, January 11, 2010

Eucalyptus Tree

The decision must be carried out with a collected heart, and not seeking success: success will then come of itself. The Secret of the Golden Flower

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Eucaplytus tree
On gray foggy morning
The trunk of the
Eucaplytus shows its

Colors and form,
The subtlety and softness
of brown, orange and off
White hues and textures
Often, it is the greens Yellows and reds against
A bright blue sky
That can often draw my attention
But today, I am reminded of
A beauty that is constant
Year round.

Breath Meditation
New muscles awaken
Lifting my ribcage on the right
Allowing a deeper breath
It may have taken 
Half a century
To heal a wound so deep.
But here and now,
Nature says it's time
To open.

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