Thursday, January 14, 2010

There are 600 million alveoli in our lungs. The alveoli are the tiny air sacs where the blood can pick up oxygen and distribute it throughout the body.

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Water Glistening on Wood
The sun needs water
To shine and glisten.
The water needs wood
To be a surface 
On which to rest.
A front porch
Can hold within it
Experiences of lifetime.
Pathways of life
Are preserved in the wood,
Water holds the universe,
And the sun has traveled 
Light years to be here

In this moment.

Breath Meditation
The sun touches my face and eyelids.
There is an empty sadness inside
Dark and alone.
In the pause between breaths
A small inner light
Reveals itself
And knows no shame.
Radiant, breathing in and out
Inner and outer
Become one.

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