Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Song of the Birds

In yogic breathing, the body becomes the instrument. The ears and mind are continually listening and fine tuning the sound of the breath. An unsteady and choppy breath can indicate an unsteady nervous system and mind. A sound that is too loud can indicate internal conflict and tension. In a yogic breathing practice called Ujjayi, one practices breathing in a constant, smoothe manner which is free of tension.

Three Deep Breaths

Something Beautiful
Four birds in a tree
With many more 
All around.
A roaring symphony of
Chirps and tweets.
To the unfamiliar
It may seem like noise
But for those who know
Many languages
It is poetry.

Breath Meditation
The sound of my inner breath
Smoothe and constant
Quiets my mind.
Muscles relax
Into a soft smile
All over.
I am the in the swell of 
An ocean wave
Flowing in this moment
To the next
Arriving at the shore
That greets me.

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